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Anchorage Alaska: ‘Solemn covenants’

Anchorage Alaska: ‘Solemn covenants’

Following is the full text of the dedicatory prayer given by President Gordon B. Hinckley rededicating the Anchorage Alaska Temple on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2004.

Almighty God, Thou Great Elohim, we solemnly gather before Thee on this peaceful Sabbath in this Thy holy house.

Five years ago we met in these sacred precincts to dedicate to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer, this, the Anchorage Alaska Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Since that time, a great and wondrous work has here gone forward. Thousands of ordinances in behalf of the living and the dead have been performed within these walls. Husbands and wives, families and children, have been sealed together for all eternity. The living have here entered into solemn covenants before Thee, and the prison doors have been opened, freeing those in bondage to move forward on the way of eternal life and exaltation.

To accommodate an increase in the work, and to facilitate its progress, it has become necessary to renovate and to add to this sacred structure so extensively as to require a rededication of the enlarged facility.

And so, acting in the authority of the priesthood in us vested, and in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate and consecrate the new additions and rededicate the renovated original structure with all features and appurtenances pertaining thereto. We consecrate the entire temple unto Thee and unto Thy Son. Wilt Thou accept of that which is accomplished and smile upon it as the gift of Thy thankful people.

Touch those of this temple district with Thy Holy Spirit, and stir within them a desire to use this beautiful facility in the accomplishment of Thy divine will. May they find great joy in coming here. May it be a haven of peace from the cares and stress of the world, a refuge from the hurried pace of their lives. As they here serve, may they be lifted in spirit, and may there come into their vision something of the divine light that is of Thy nature.

May they be worthy as Saints of the Most High.

As we have previously prayed, preserve this edifice from the harsh elements of this land. Shield it against defilement or vandalism of any kind. May all who look upon it know that it is Thy house, the house of the Lord, a place hallowed and sanctified.

Accept the work of baptism for the dead. This great vicarious labor is a part of Thy divine plan in behalf of Thy sons and daughters of all generations. Endow those who serve here with the gift of the ordinances of eternal life. Seal upon them the promises of exaltation.

Our Beloved Father, bless Thy work in all the earth. May it shine among the people of the world with increasing luster. Chart its path and direct its course that there may be a harvest of the righteous in many lands. Endow from on high Thy servants who go forth as messengers of eternal truth.

Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon Thy people who walk in faith, wherever they may be. Watch over the righteous and preserve them from harm and evil. Strengthen their faith and increase their will to live after the pattern of Thy gospel. May peace and gladness abide in their hearts and in their homes.

Strengthen the youth who walk in a world saturated with evil. Give them the courage and the will ever to stand in virtue before Thee.

Overrule, O Lord, among the nations of the earth that they shall lay down their arms and walk together in brotherhood as Thy sons and daughters. Remember those who stand in positions of leadership across the world that they may look to Thee and lead their people in the ways of peace.

We pray for all who are called to positions of responsibility in Thy Church and kingdom. Bless Thine ordained servants, and grant unto them life and strength, and give them revelation that they may lead Thy people in righteousness.

We know that Thou dost love us as Thy children. We are profoundly grateful for that love. We love Thee, and we love thy Beloved Son. May we ever conduct our lives in the light of that love.

Accept of our thanks, dear Father, for every blessing and continue to smile with favor upon us we humbly pray, in the sacred name of our Redeemer, the King Immanuel, the Prince of Peace, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

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