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Fukuoka Japan Temple: ‘Stand as a city upon a hill’

The dedicatory prayer for the Fukuoka Japan Temple by President Hinckley


Fukuoka Japan Temple

Greg Hill, Deseret News

Fukuoka Japan Temple: ‘Stand as a city upon a hill’

The dedicatory prayer for the Fukuoka Japan Temple by President Hinckley


Fukuoka Japan Temple

Greg Hill, Deseret News

Following is the full text of the dedicatory prayer for the Fukuoka Japan Temple given by President Gordon B. Hinckley on June 11, 2000.

Thou Almighty God, Thou the great Judge of the nations, permit us to come unto Thee in prayer on this day of dedication. Thou art our Father whom we love even as we also love Thy Son, our Redeemer. Hear our prayer and inspire us and direct us as we speak with Thee. We thank Thee for this sacred temple, this House of the Lord, which has been constructed here in southern Japan. Thy people in this area may now come to Thy house with greater frequency and with greater ease.

Bless Thy Saints of this great nation. Magnify them, inspire them, bless them among the millions of this land that by the virtue of their lives they may stand as a city upon a hill whose light cannot be hid. Prosper them in their labors. May they never lack for food upon their tables or clothing on their backs or a shelter over their heads. There are so many true and wonderful souls among them, who love Thee and love Thy Son and seek to do Thy will. Reward them for their faith. Open the windows of heaven and let blessings come down upon them.

We pray for the missionaries, both those from Japan and those from other nations, that they may be magnified, that they may be rewarded in their labors, that their faith may be strong and their testimonies of Thy work sure and certain. Lead them to those who will accept the truth.

And now, dear Father, assembled as we are together, acting in the authority of the priesthood in us vested and in the name of our Redeemer, we dedicate and consecrate this the Fukuoka Japan Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Thou didst inspire the decision to build it, and now please accept it as the gift of Thy thankful sons and daughters. We dedicate the grounds, the entire structure with all of its rooms and facilities, even to the steeple with the crowning figure of Moroni, that the seal of Thy divine will may be upon it, that it may be acceptable unto Thee and sacred unto all who shall use it, that it shall stand through sunshine and storm, that it shall be kept inviolate from any evil temptation to deface it or harm it in any way. May none who is unworthy enter its portals. To all who serve here may it be the Lord's house, to be kept clean and beautiful, to be held in reverence and respect, to be honored as sacred and holy.

Bless those who come to partake of the ordinances here administered, that Thy Holy Spirit may rest upon them, and that they may rejoice in their hearts over the great blessings here to be gained. Grant unto them a vision of the eternal nature of Thy work. May they here worship Thee in spirit and in truth.

We invoke Thy blessings upon Thy people throughout the earth wherever Thy work may be established. Inspire and magnify and make their testimonies strong and certain.

Now, dear Father, Thy work has been established across the world in very many areas. Wilt Thou inspire all who serve therein, whatever may be their duty, be it large or small. May they find joy in their service. We pray for the temple presidency, for the matron and her assistants. Grant them strength and energy in their heavy responsibilities. We likewise pray for the leaders of Thy cause and kingdom in all the earth. May they be sustained by Thy divine power, and wilt Thou reveal unto them direction in moving forward Thy work that it may spread to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and peoples.

To Thee and to Thy Son be the honor, the praise, and the glory now and forever, we humbly pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world, amen.

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