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Lima Peru Temple: We thank Thee for this glorious day in the history of Thy work

Lima Peru Temple: We thank Thee for this glorious day in the history of Thy work

Following is the complete text of the Lima Peru Temple dedicatory prayer offered by President Gordon B. Hinckley. The temple was dedicated Jan. 10-12, 1986.

God of our fathers, Thou great Elohim, we come unto Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world. We look to Thee as we dedicate Thy holy house. Our hearts are filled with gratitude. We love Thee, and we love Thy Son. Wilt Thou hear our prayer, dear Father.

We thank Thee for this glorious day in the history of Thy work. We thank Thee for this temple in the nation of Peru. We thank Thee for all who have contributed to make it possible.

We thank Thee for Thy smiles of favor upon the people of this land, and particularly upon the many who have accepted the restored gospel as it has been taught to them. Reward their faith. Let them feel of Thy love for them. Increase their knowledge of things divine. Prosper them in their labors.

We are particularly mindful this day of the sons and daughters of Lehi. They have known so much of suffering and sorrow in their many generations. They have walked in darkness and in servitude. Now Thou hast touched them by the light of the everlasting gospel. The shackles of darkness are falling from their eyes as they embrace the truths of Thy great work. Surely father Lehi has wept with sorrow over his posterity. Surely he weeps today with gladness, for in this holy house there will be exercised the fullness of the priesthood to the blessing, not only of those of this and future generations, but also to the blessing of those of previous generations.

Let Thy people rejoice at the wondrous gift Thou hast bestowed upon them. May they be faithful unto Thee that they may be found worthy always to enter this holy house and partake of the blessings here to be offered. Through the ordinances to be performed in this house, under authority of the everlasting priesthood, they now have available every gift for time and eternity that Thou hast bestowed in this the dispensation of the fullness of times.

O God, we thank Thee for this glad season when Thy house is complete and when we dedicate it unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son. Acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood, which Thou hast given us, Thy sons, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this the Lima Peru Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We dedicate the grounds and the building. We dedicate the ancillary structure, the fittings, the furnishings, and all of the facilities connected with this sacred edifice. We dedicate this temple as Thy holy sanctuary, and pray that Thou wilt accept it as our offering unto Thee. Wilt Thou be pleased to honor it with Thy presence, and to bless it and all who use it.

O God, preserve this Thy holy house. Save it from the storms of nature, from the tremblings of the earth, and from the defilement of men. It is consecrated in holiness to Thee, and so may it stand through generations yet to come.

May it be the means of accomplishing Thine eternal purposes. May it be a house of prayer, a house of learning, a house of faith, a house of God. May all who enter its doors do so with clean hands and with hearts free from iniquity. May their numbers increase through the years and may a glorious work be here performed for the eternal blessing of the generations of men and women who have walked the earth.

Restrain the adversary that he shall not have power over Thy people or over Thy work. Thwart the designs of any who would do injury to Thy kingdom.

Bless this nation and its neighbor nations which have befriended Thy servants. Bless those who govern that they may do so with equity, extending to the people that freedom which is consistent with Thy divine plan.

Prosper Thy faithful saints as they live honestly with Thee in the payment of their tithes and offerings. May they enjoy the bounties of the earth as well as the blessings of heaven. Let Thy Holy Spirit go before those who serve as missionaries. Open the doors and the hearts of the people. May they be responsive to the truth.

Bless Thy work that it shall blossom and grow in this nation and in its neighbor nations of South America. Remember, Father, Thine ancient covenant with the children of Lehi that in the latter days Thou wouldst favor them and bring to them a knowledge of their Redeemer. Make them strong in faith and magnify them in leadership in Thy kingdom.

Prosper Thy work in all the earth that it may move forward with great power to the blessing of all who shall hear the message of salvation. Smile on Thy prophet, Ezra Taft Benson, and grant him health and revelation. Bless all who labor with him in promoting Thy work and building Thy kingdom. Bless all who have taken upon themselves the name of Thy Beloved Son. May they walk as Thy favored children, exemplifying in their lives the beauties of Thine everlasting truth.

We thank Thee, we love Thee, we praise Thy Holy Name.

On this day of dedication, we rededicate ourselves, our lives, and all that we have and are to Thee our God, with our prayer that we may be found worthy in Thy sight to receive Thy blessings and Thy divine approbation.

All of this we do in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Savior of the world, even our Redeemer Jesus Christ. Amen.

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