9 stakes reorganized in 6 U.S. states
Notices of reorganized stakes around the United States
9 stakes reorganized in 6 U.S. states
Notices of reorganized stakes around the United States
BROKEN ARROW OKLAHOMA STAKE: (May 7, 2023) President — Michael Dean Bright, 51, BRC Real Estate Corp. president; succeeding Mark J Cluff; wife, Kerry Anna Hoeft Bright. Counselors — Daniel Jensen Griffiths, 42, dentist; wife, Tara Leigh Curran Griffiths. David LeRoy Tingey Jr., 54, University of Tulsa German and comparative literature professor; wife, Heidrun Jäkel Tingey.
EAGLE MOUNTAIN UTAH SILVER LAKE STAKE: (April 16, 2023) President — Matthew Aaron King, 47, Alpine School District school administrator; succeeding Russell M. Clayton; wife, Mary Louise Jorgensen King. Counselors — Julian A. Barrio, 34, Summit Partners managing director; wife, Sarah Lynn Johnson Barrio. Kedrick Tucker Morris, 34, TravelPass Group search engine marketing director; wife, Lydia Pearl Forbes Morris.
ELKO NEVADA WEST STAKE: (June 4, 2023) President — Alberto Jimenez, 62, Great Basin College director of interactive video; succeeding Paul M. Lewis; wife, Maria de Lourdes de Jimenez. Counselors — David Lane Pulley, 53, Dowl civil engineer and office manager; wife, Kaylyn Harris Pulley. Steven E Simpson, 48, Northeastern Nevada Regional Hospital CEO; wife, Kelsi Marie Osborn Simpson.
FRIENDSWOOD TEXAS STAKE: (June 4, 2023) President — Dustin Bryan Peterson, 43, Proof Leadership Group founder and president; succeeding Daryl A. Scott; wife, Samye Jean Martino Peterson. Counselors — Matthew Neil Rasband, 53, Baylor College of Medicine professor; wife, Ruth Ann Acor Rasband. Bradley Stanford Owens, 53, optometrist; wife, Sabrina Lynn O’Quinn Owens.
HOOPER UTAH STAKE: (Feb. 12, 2023) President — Scott Reed Perkes, 55, Trace Minerals Research owner; succeeding Brent D. Jones; wife, Nikkol Lynch Perkes. Counselors — Tanner Thomas Mickelson, 46, Cerrowire engineering manager; wife, Devri Koyle Mickelson. David Scott Gurney, 61, FamilySearch computer software engineer; wife, Elaine Madsen Gurney.
IDAHO FALLS SOUTH STAKE: (June 11, 2023) President — Brady Scott Burton, 49, Stifel financial adviser and branch manager; succeeding John J. Strobel; wife, Mardell Terry Burton. Counselors — Franklin Gerald Egbert, 53, pharmacist; wife, Jeri Tucker Egbert. Heath Brad Gordon, 46, Walker Produce vice president of sales and marketing; wife, Haley Johnson Gordon.
JOPLIN MISSOURI STAKE: (May 21, 2023) President — Joseph Kirk Sheppard, 41, physician; succeeding Jared R. Young; wife, Alyson Jo Lund Sheppard. Counselors — Adam Lynn Compton, 50, college professor; wife, Dawn Marie Creek Compton. Adam Mead Duncan, 34, occupational therapist; wife, Jacquelyn Rose Done Duncan.
OKLAHOMA CITY OKLAHOMA STAKE: (June 18, 2023) President — Jacob William Buster Mendenhall, 48, oral and maxillofacial surgeon; succeeding Thomas R. Gray; wife, Leslie Ann Blackhurst Mendenhall. Counselors — Peter Loren Carlson, 41, Oklahoma City Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery owner and surgeon; wife, Christine Ridge Carlson. Cory Dawson Toole, 43, Clearesult senior engineering manager; wife, Gloria Janine Rivera Rios Toole.
WEST JORDAN UTAH MOUNTAIN VIEW STAKE: (Jan. 29, 2023) President — Jonathan Gregory Marble, 52, IRS Office of Chief Counsel Criminal Tax Division deputy area counsel; succeeding Joel S. Melton; wife, Jennifer Wilson Marble. Counselors — Douglas Coats McDougal, 56, Ensign College dean of applied sciences; wife, Michelle Anderson McDougal. Rodney Carl Hawker, 64, retired; wife, Sandra Roberta Ramsey Hawker.