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New temple presidents

Bonnie and Elder F. Melvin Hammond

Bonnie and Elder F. Melvin Hammond

New temple presidents

Bonnie and Elder F. Melvin Hammond

Bonnie and Elder F. Melvin Hammond

Elder F. Melvin Hammond, 71, of the First Quorum of the Seventy, called as president of the Washington D.C. Temple, succeeding President J. Edward Scholz. Elder Hammond's wife, Bonnie Sellers Hammond, will serve as temple matron. Elder Hammond was sustained to the First Quorum of the Seventy on April 3, 1993, and to the Second Quorum of the Seventy on April 1, 1989. He is former Young Men general president and counselor, president of the Bolivia Cochabamba Mission, stake president and bishop. He is a former professor of religion at Ricks College, and eight-term Idaho legislator. He was born in Blackfoot, Idaho, to Floyd Milton and Ruby Hoge Hammond.

Sister Hammond is a former stake Relief Society president, ward Primary president, chorister and accompanist, Relief Society general board welfare ad hoc committee member and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Rexburg, Idaho, to Joseph Fisher and Myrtle Lucas Sellers.

Elder Stephen B. Oveson of the Second Quorum of the Seventy has been called as a temple president. His assignment will be announced later. His wife, Dixie Randall Oveson, will serve as temple matron. Elder Oveson was called to the Second Quorum of the Seventy on April 3, 1999, after serving as president of the Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission, temple ordinance worker, high councilor, and bishop. He was president of a hotel development and management company, and a hotel chain, and held various other financial positions. He was born in Grass Valley, Ore., to Merrill M. and Mal Berg Oveson.

Dixie and Elder Stephen B. Oveson

Dixie and Elder Stephen B. Oveson

Sister Oveson is a former Relief Society president and counselor, Young Women counselor and Laurel adviser, stake Primary president's counselor and teacher. She was born in Washington, D.C., to Glen L. and Eloise Kleinman Randall.

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