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This week on social: ‘We are called to share the hope the Savior offers,’ says Elder Cook

New Young Women general presidency debuts social media initiative; ‘differences of opinion are part of life,’ says President Russell M. Nelson

Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary Cook walk in England.

Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary Cook walk in England. On Aug. 2, 2023, Elder Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares a story of a man he taught on a Latter-day Saint mission in England.

Screenshot from Instagram

This week on social: ‘We are called to share the hope the Savior offers,’ says Elder Cook

New Young Women general presidency debuts social media initiative; ‘differences of opinion are part of life,’ says President Russell M. Nelson

Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary Cook walk in England.

Elder Quentin L. Cook and Sister Mary Cook walk in England. On Aug. 2, 2023, Elder Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares a story of a man he taught on a Latter-day Saint mission in England.

Screenshot from Instagram

While President Russell M. Nelson posted on social media about how to disagree in a Christlike way, big changes happened for the Church’s Young Women organization this week. Newly sustained Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman and her counselors — Sister Tamara W. Runia and Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus — began their service Tuesday, Aug. 1.

A new social media initiative for the Young Women program also debuted — Young Women Worldwide — with President Freeman and her counselors among the first posts. After a day, the Young Women Worldwide accounts had reached over 50,000 followers on Instagram and over 4,000 on Facebook. The numbers have continued to grow.

“Today is the first day of an adventure we have been looking forward to for months,” the new presidency posted Aug. 3.

Other Church leaders shared personal stories from their missions and encouraged Latter-day Saints to be filled with charity.

On Aug. 1, President Nelson talked about his positive experience serving with his First Presidency counselors — President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring — on resolving differences of opinion. “ My two noble counselors ... have taught me how to disagree in a Christlike way,” said President Nelson. He encouraged members to practice charity, saying that it is a “principal characteristic of a true follower of Jesus Christ.”

After a send-off video with her and her former counselors earlier this week, Bonnie H. Cordon — the outgoing Young Women general president — posted a video with President Freeman on Aug. 3. “This is a week of transition,” Sister Cordon said. “And we have some very exciting news for you.”

President Freeman and Sister Cordon invited young women around the world to follow Young Women Worldwide.

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shared in an Instagram post Aug. 2 an experience he had as a young man on his mission in England.

“As God’s servants, we are called to share the hope the Savior offers through His life, teachings, Atonement, and restored gospel. Incomprehensible joy awaits us as we heed this call to bring souls to Him.”

Speaking of her relationship with God, President Freeman said in a post Aug. 1, “I just want [God] to remind me there are good days to come. I have never seen His eyes, but I am confident they sparkle.”

“God hears our prayers,” Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said on July 31. “He answers the one. By divine design, He directs the details of our lives. He loves each and every one of us so very much. Just as Jesus Christ ministered to those in the Holy Land 2,000 years ago, He does the same for us today, wherever we are.”

“Christ is our strength!” said Sister Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, in a post July 30.

She continued, “He invites all of us to ‘Look unto [Him] in every thought; doubt not, fear not’ (Doctrine and Covenants 6:36).”

Relief Society General President Sister Camille N. Johnson posted July 31, “Sometimes the relief we need in this life isn’t something big. Sometimes it is just being seen and offering a hand to hold.”

President Johnson then asked the question: “Who can you offer a hand of relief to today?”

On July 28, Sister Runia, first counselor in the Young Women general presidency, talked about her experience serving as a mission leader in Sydney, Australia. “There were days when I felt like we were on top of the world and everything was going well. But I also had days when things felt heavy.”

She shared her testimony of finding relief and help in the Book of Mormon.

“It is my witness that you and I can be made stronger to do all things through and with Christ.”

In a social media post Aug. 1, the Primary general presidency shared a video talking about the special August edition of The Friend magazine focused on baptism.

“Together we wanted to create something that could help all children better understand the baptismal covenants and the blessings that come from following Jesus Christ,” said Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency.

Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the presidency, added similar sentiments to Sister Browning: “This special issue will help children and their families better understand the covenants that they are making and the promised blessings that can be theirs.”

Primary General President Susan H. Porter also included her thoughts on the importance of the baptismal covenant. “The ordinances of baptism and confirmation are foundational to our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ,” she said.

Sister Wright spoke of her gratitude for former Young Women general presidency members Sister Cordon, Michelle D. Craig and Rebecca L. Craven. “When friendships are established and nourished with arms linked in the cause of Christ, there is sanctifying power in the journey.”

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